Sunday, July 31, 2011

Success! My Toshiba Thrive is now talking to my computers!

I'll say it again: it shouldn't be this hard. Toshiba really needs to provide better and more complete information to help a developer setup a Thrive tablet to work with Android's adb server. With that out of the way, here is what I found to work for me, and what I'm describing should work for anyone with any Android device.

For my Windows PC running XP, this page held the answer. But be sure to read the comments, especially those of Dan and HMishkoff. The value to be used depends on the vendor of your device. There is a nice list of all the vendors here.

So that got me up and running with Windows, so I turned next to my Ubuntu Linux box. That setup is rather different, but not too difficult either. Fortunately, the USB drivers are already there. What needs to be done is to configure the udev rules file which should be created (or modified if it exists), in the /etc/udev/rules.d directory. This page has pretty good instructions which worked well for me.

Scroll down to the comment from jerichod. It's brilliant! Not only does he tell you how to modify the .rules file, he gives you the background and a couple of commands to make it so much easier to figure out. So I took his work and created a rules file with all currently-known vendors in it, and made it available here.

All you should need to do is copy this file to /etc/udev/rules.d, modify the owner and group values to what is suitable on your machine, save the file, then connect your device using USB. This last part is critical and tripped me up for a while. It's also not mentioned in the above instructions. After you change the .rules file, you need to connect the device for udev to use the new values from the file. If your device is already connected when you change the file, you need to disconnect it, then connect it again.

And that should do it! For anyone with a Mac, it's supposed to just work. I'll try that later, and if it doesn't just work, I'll post a follow-up with those instructions.

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